This is mulberry paper from Japan, made by Awagami Factory. It's very lightweight and fragile, so I like to protect the edges with a piece of rigid paper that folds around the front. It's 800mm x 1300mm. It only just fits on the table!
All neat and tidy! Ready to go!
I keep as much of the paper covered as I paint, to avoid transferring oil from my hands and paint smudges. Tracing paper is good for this.
At this point the colour has changed three times. Starting with a strong red on the left, gradually blending to more of an orange red on the right.
Nearly there.
I think that's it for this stage. Next will probably be a new layer of something weaving its way around the red. One hour before I turn into a pumpkin. Oops, I mean pick up my boys!
he next stage! Starting with a good strong purple to complement the red...
No, I didn't watch the footy (it's Grand Final day today)!
Losing the light!
It's dark outside, my eyes are blurry, and the second stage is done - for now! The purple has changed a few times to eventually become a bright blue at the far end. It's too dark to take any decent pictures though, sorry!
Using the same purple to blue colour theme, with a smaller shape weaving its way through.
Using layers of tone and colour, I'm trying to create depth and interest with what would otherwise be fairly flat shapes.
At this stage it often feels a little busy, so the next stage will hopefully balance it all out. It will have to have rest for now, while I begin work on another commissioned painting for the beautiful Bianca Lorenne!
The first circle.
Back into it after Christmas and a crazy load of deadlines met in November and December. It's like reuniting with an old friend. Here I'm adding tiny little blue details to the points of the small purple shapes. I felt like the blue in the circles was very strong and that it needed to be repeated somewhere.
And here I go with the red ones. I've been wondering what to do with these, feeling like they needed some detail. I decided to mirror the little points I just added to the purple shapes, by adding yellow tips to the red.
Finishing touches. The blue circles have become a little dominating, so I'm adding some dark blue details to the centres to soften them a bit.
Finishing touches.
To soften the blue I've also added some lighter circles.
I think. I'll 'live with it' for a while and may add some more, but for now I'm happy to leave it as it is. It's called 'Unravel'. Come along to Dandenong Ranges Open Studios and see it in the flesh at my studio! May 3 and 4.